Liquid error

Hey Y'all,

Let me just say I'm a DIY kind of girl. I like to know what goes into every thing I eat, make or do. 

I am currently going on 4 years of being natural (did the big chop and all). When I decided to do my big chop I had no idea what to do for hair products. I was a mess! After trial & error with many products and not knowing what was in them I decided to make my own. With that said, by Nov. 2010 I did enough research and made my own products.

Now here I am...Finally able to share my joy of "adult arts n crafts" as I call it and give God the glory for me being able to spread his natural wonders to y'all  in order to give you a catered /custom made products!

The goal is to continue to learn and strive for you all and I'm always down for suggestions. So PLEASE don't be afraid to share. :)

I hope that you all enjoy TheManeBliss from 'Hair to Toe' as much as I do!

All for God's glory,
